One of the reasons to go to Madagascar was because of the unique wildlife. Madagascar is a unique and isolated island that safeguards their unique and rare biodiversity and has many species that only exist there and nowwhere else in the wild. A one of a kind experience!

The highlight for me was seeing the Fossa. The most rare and elusive creature on Madagascar and I have been very lucky to encounter one! The Fossa hunts Lemurs.

The Lemurs is what Madagascar is all about. I’ve seen about 20-25 different species of Lemur during this trip and they are incredible. They look somewhat fluffy, but they move gently, nimble and agile through the forests. Not to mention how they sound. The Indri was the most loud one, it can be heard up to 2 to 3 kilometers away!

Contact me if you are interested in having prints of these pictures.